Hélène’s February Mystery SAL #7 & #8

The new latest stages of Hélène & Mahélia’s Mystery SAL look like this.

Part 7 – the hair is complete

SAL fev Claire 7

Part 8 – not quite sure what to make of this part.  I still reckon it’s a little angel with wings . . . but what is all that cream?

SAL fev Claire 8

Stay tuned  . . . next stage and back stitch is just around the corner.

February Mystery SAL #5 & #6

Hmmmm, Hélène has revealed a little more with the next two stages of her mystery SAL which I’m following on her blog Hélène & Mahélia.  About time too ^^ because with part 4 we were already half way through. 

Anyway, here’s part 5 and a face is starting to take shape

SAL fev Claire 5

Followed by more face . . . although I’m not too sure about my choice of thread here.  Didn’t have the recommended colour and mine looks a little too “pink”, but I’ll stick with it.

SAL fev Claire 6

I’m still confused with the pale blue stitches . . . is this going to be an angel kind of character or not?

Stay tuned for the next parts lol.

thanks yous, retail therapy and Merlin

Three totally unrelated subjects ^^ but does it really matter?  Much easier to do one post than three . . . so here we go for the “thank yous” which are actually “merci”. 

Merci to Yvonne who always remembers my birthday, and sends me a little handmade gift and card without fail.  This year she sent me a lovely little scissor keep



Merci to Monique who also sent me some gorgeous mail for my birthday – a bookmark and lovely card


Merci to Titia and eldest son whose card I forgot to show


and Merci to my sister-in-law – I will be smelling so nice !!!


Next – a very naughty spending spree . . . yep, sorry, but I needed some retail therapy and despite (or rather because of) receiving some Moda “Somerset” charm squares for my birthday . . . I went and bought some stash packs and solids on Pelenna Patchworks.  Stash packs of some of the Moda “Somerset” fabrics because they are so gorgeous (photo doesn’t do them justice because taken in artificial light without flash).IMGP8220

Now, I originally went browsing on Pelenna Patchworks because I needed some solids (white and other light neutral colours) because I have lots of print fabric but not so much plain solids, and I have plans for the 5” squares Avis sent for my birthday (photo to remind you and show better colours – stash packs are the same as the “flower” bottom left)


Problem is . . . on Pelenna Patchworks, if you spend £25 or more, they send you a free pack of sixteen 5” squares lol . . . so I didn’t want to miss out on that now, did I?  Which explains how the stash packs found their way into my cart when I was shopping for solids lol.  And I duly received my free 5” squares



. . . oooh look, another “Somerset” square ^^

I also made use of their free sample service . . . and asked for 10 samples of other fabrics that I wanted a closer look at


Lots of beautiful colours . . . just what I needed ^^

And last photos . . . to show you that Merlin has finally decided to use the cat tree !!!  Now we bought the tree before Christmas, and seeing as the cats didn’t seem interested, I had been using it as a coffee table, and leaving all my stitching bits on it. Obviously, since it became a coffee table, Merlin suddenly took an interest


although at the moment, he seems to take an interest in lots of things.  He has also taken to sleeping on my computer desk, right next to screen


He seems to think it’s a radiator, as it does give off some heat ^^

“cupcakes” finished as needle books

All throughout 2014 I stitched a full set of little cupcakes, designed by Lorraine Clarke and downloadable for free on Cyberstitchers.  They turned out various sizes because I was using leftover pieces of fabric, and were not necessarily in the “correct” colours because I used leftover threads.  As with many of my stitchings, they were then bunged into a drawer ^^  However . . . I knew they were there, and my little brain had saved an idea inspired by Yvonne (from February 2013), when she sent me a needle book and a pin book.  I had seen tutorials for this kind of thing for example on Cats ‘n Cart Crafts  and here on Make it Do.

I therefore decided to make some of my own . . .


nothing could be easier!  Some card, some felt, a stapler, and some needles or pins.



Anyway, two of these needle books have already been posted as little birthday gifts . . . saying that, I’m not very good with remembering birthdays, so I’ve decided that the rest will be posted as the year progresses . . . and make little surprise “UNbirthday” gifts to some of my blogging, stitching friends ^^  You never know, you may be one of the lucky people . . . if not, they really are so simple to make, I suggest you give it a try.

two little cards

Two more little cards I stitched recently, and can now show, because birthday gal and boy have both blown out their candles ^^

As always, I use free charts, when I can, for cards – always a great way of using up some leftover threads because colours can be mixed and matched as I go. 

The little rabbit is more suited for an Easter card, but I thought he was cute, and stitched him up for eldest son’s birthday.  Rabbit s a free design by Aliolka.


The little puppy dog is another Lindashee design.  She didn’t do a dog for her “I love” series, but I asked her to design one for me to make a birthday card especially for Avis.  And she did Sourire  That’s one of the advantages of being the artist’s daughter ^^



a walk down memory lane

A recent article by Kate of talltalesofchiconia about the value of home made gifts, is what prompted this post ^^. As you know, we have recently moved house, which means boxing up our treasures then unboxing in the new house. Alongside that, we’re also boxing up for MIL who needs to downsize . . . and while packing, I rediscovered some home-made gifts.  Apologies for bad quality of photos – my camera doesn’t want to focus properly today – a bit like me ^^

In our house – something eldest son stitched, probably in 2000 (so he was 12 at the time).  I can’t remember if it was a gift for me or my husband, but it’s now in pride of place in my sewing room . . . alongside a little box made for me by Titia a few years ago ^^


Then in MIL’s flat . . . a wooden tray, done with “serviettage” by our daughter, probably when she was aged around 8 (so that’s 13 years ago)


And some of my first cross stitch pieces . . . both of which I stitched for my father-in-law (who died last year).  A small fox terrier because, that would have been his dream dog


and something slightly larger


These were both stitched probably 18 years ago, or so.  It’s wonderful to see that gifts were kept and treasured ^^

“Friendship Quilt V” SAL update

Hello folks, time to show update photo of our SAL . . . stitching “Friendship Quilt V” (Whispered by the Wind) along with Avis . . . and lots of other ladies who are all working on completely different projects.  The aim of the game being, simply to encourage each other and show 3 weekly updates.

Last time my fabric looked like this

9 blocks

and today it looks like


That makes 10 blocks for me so far . . . only 15 to go lol.  Don’t forget to check out fellow SALers’ blogs . . . we’re a really international bunch ^^

There’s Avis, Gun, Carole, Kate, Alison, Jule, Elisabeth, Wendy, and a newcomer . . . Lucyann.  Next update on 8th March.

“Life” update

I have completed the next part I set myself on “Life”


My colours look slightly greener than on the cover photo, but I am using the correct threads for symbols ^^  Next up, I’m going to tackle the flower although I intend doing it in two parts: leaves and swirly bits first . . . petals afterwards. 

It’s now time to hurry along with “Friendship Quilt” SAL .  .  . I haven’t touched it in weeks and we’re due to show an update very shortly!

more stash!

Post lady attempted to deliver a parcel yesterday, while I was out . . . so this morning Blackjack was a lucky chap, and got a walk to the PO to blow away the cobwebs to pick up the mystery parcel (since I hadn’t ordered anything for myself).  Turned out to be a birthday pressie from eldest son and Titia . . . with lots of fabric for my stash ^^

The opening of parcel in pictures . . .





(free gifts from the shop: a pencil, handbag mirror and a toffee ^^=



A variety of themes and colours . . . some giving me ideas already lol.  So stay tuned!