ok, so where do I sit?

Okay, so where do I sit?

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Can you tell it’s wet and dismal outside?  It’s been raining almost non-stop for about 18 hours and family felines have decided to take over my 2-seater sofa.  Which is fine for them, but where do I sit?  I mean, they could all snuggle up a bit together and just use half the sofa, but no!  Abby on the left, Merlin in the middle and Ducky on the right.

Le Bleu, during this group snooze, was all on his own, in the middle of our double bed

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He does like the sofa but only when I’m sitting on it ^^

Oh and earlier today . . . Merlin and Ducky were on the 3-seater sofa

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That’s Ducky, flat on his back, rear legs in the air, and Merlin giving him a good clean.  I don’t know what Ducky gets up to. All the other cats seem to feel he is in constant need of a wash, and he is more than happy to let them do all the grooming.

While on the subject of cats . . . I have a small happy dance to share with you.

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This little design is by Ginger Tom.  Avis gave me the kit last year and I finally got around to stitching it.  The kit was brilliant.  Loads of threads, and 2 pieces of aida because it is stitched both front and back

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I simplified things a little. The front is supposed to be all filled in with off-white stitches for the background, but I preferred less stitching, and to have the rustic aida as my background.

If you’re wondering what I’m reading at the moment, it’s “Misery” by Stephen King ^^  I’ve seen the film several times, which is excellent, but the book is a whole lot better.