SAL “my day off” #9

Three weeks ago, I had a no show with my SAL project.  For this time, I do have progress to show. Not heaps, but it’s gone from this

to this.

Lighting wasn’t always brilliant for stitching in hospital waiting rooms, but I felt it was more industrious than reading a book.  I also found it quite amazing, what an ice-breaker a bit of needlecraft can be. I lost count of the number of people (patients, family members accompanying patients, and medical staff) who asked what I was doing, and stopped, or pulled up a chair, for a quick chat.  Several of the men spoke of wives/mothers/daughters who knit/crochet/stitch or sew, and quite a few of the ladies also happily told me about their needleworkings.   So not only did xstitch help pass the time, but it also led to some interesting chatter . . . much more fun than everyone sitting in silence reading a book.

Let’s see what other SAL members have been up to.




22 thoughts on “SAL “my day off” #9

  1. When I spent a lot of time in hospital waiting rooms I took some crochet lace to work on because it was easy to shove in a pocket or bag when called and if a bit unravelled it was no great problem. It had the same effect as your stitching.

    • I think I passed the idea on to a few other ladies who I chatted too ^^ One even showed me a lovely fabric purse she had made (stuffed at the bottom of her handbag lol).

    • it would have been easier to knit & natter, I agree, but I took my xstitch project because I’ve been neglecting otherwise.

  2. Crafting projects are always of interest in a hospital. I think everyone wants a distraction. It is a great stress relief and passes the time for you also. You’ve made a lot of progress.

  3. Id say thats a good chunk done! I found the same about bringing cross stitch on planes, trains and sometimes the pub (yes I’m weird) people are fascinated which is quite funny and nice.

  4. With a new baby due and a growing one needing new things all the time I imagine that knitting is your priority at the moment, so even a small amount of progress is good. As for stitching I find the interaction with others happens all the time especially on holiday, and it is a lovely way to meet new people. xx

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