crafting for baby Inkling

If you stopped by the other day and saw the no progress with my cross stitch for the SAL, you’ll see now, that I haven’t been idle . . . just not cross stitching.

Knitting has been my go-to craft these past weeks, happily knitting in bright colours to make a few things for future baby Inkling.

I finished the third little cardigan, following the Little Avery pattern. Each one is slightly different, and each one is a different size.

I had to frog the teal one a couple of times and started to get bored with the pattern, hence it ended up with short sleeves.

I then turned my attention to another free pattern, and made a sunny yellow sweater.

Made a couple of changes to the pattern, knitting sleeves and the top part in plain stocking stitch (because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep my raglan decreases neat if I stayed “in pattern”) and rather like how that turned out. This was my first attempt at knitting a button band onto the sleeve, for a neck opening. Not my neatest knitting there, but it’ll pass muster.

I’ve also been playing with stretch fabrics, following a couple of patterns in a book I bought in Lidl a while back.

Fabric for the Tshirt dress is an cast off Tshirt that belonged to Mrs Tattoo (mother-to-be).  She had intended for the Tshirt to go in the Red Cross recycle bin, but I rescued and repurposed it.  The colours of print on leggings is what inspired my choice of colours when knitting the cardies; shocking pink, orange and a tealy green.

The plan is to make a few more garments for baby Inkling, and after that, I will be turning my attention to making a few things for Miss Viking, who is now 4 and a half.