“weekend” beanies x2

Noz buys 01

Do you remember my mad yarn buying of April?  And how I immediately hooked up a beanie in that lovely Katia yarn on the left?   Well, I got out my hook and used the colour in the centre to hook up not one, but two, new beanies!  I have to say that I did grab another 2 balls of that particular colour on a return trip to the shop lol.  So I used approx 120g per beanie.


And here’s what that centre yarn looks like when crocheted.  Label said to use a size 7mm hook.  Beanie on the left was therefore done with a 7mm hook.  I started off with my circle, hooking in a spiral with half treble stitches until I had the correct diameter for head circumference.  Carried on with half treble until I had the required depth . . . and then did about 5 rounds in double crochet to make a “cuff”.

For the second beanie, on the right, I used an 8mm hook and simply did half treble all the time.


Here they are with the one I made in the more blue/purple yarn (also “Katia – weekend”). With the cuff folded, and then opened out to show difference in depth.


And modelled on two of my dummy heads.


I think I prefer this finish with a “cuff”.  It gives the beanie a much better shape and makes them look less like a skull-cap.