Gibbs – 9 months


36 kilos of puppy as Gibbs continues to fill out and celebrates his 9 month birthday today.  Sadly, today he’s actually wearing the cone of shame, and looks like this.IMGP3052

He had a growth (wart-like) not far from his eye which we (and vet) deemed preferable to remove.  That was done on 30th May and the excised “bit” has been sent off to a specialised lab for a biopsy.  Fingers crossed that it’ll be something benign.  In the meantime, Gibbs has to wear his cone, until stitches come out on 10th June.

And then he’ll be free to play with canine friends again . . . for example, with Petra, SIL’s dog (photo taken before the op – you can just see the growth)


or with Moka, our neighbour’s chocolate Labrador.

Gibbs and Moka