“Let it Bee” hexies update

bee 01

This is the photo I showed you the other day, of preparation for a new patchwork project with Henry Glass “Let it Bee” fabrics.  I am so glad I decided to find myself a hand-sewing project to do because it really has kept my hands busy, while resting my shoulder.

Only a few days later, and I have tacked 105 fabric hexies to my paper hexies AND found myself the most lovely box to store them in Rire

LIB hexies1

It’s a wooden teabag box, that is just perfect for keeping everything in while I work.  Being a “portable” project, this means I can take the box with me wherever I go and assemble hexies whenever I have some free time.

I’m using black thread for tacking and a cream thread for stitching the hexies together.  So far, I have one little flower

LIB hexies 2

LIB hexies 3

which I assembled the other day to explain to my sister-in-law how this piecing method works.  I am using whip stitch to sew hexies together.

The longest part on this stage one was the preparation.  Now that hexies are prepared, it should be relatively quick to assemble my fifteen “Let it Bee” flowers . . . and then I’ll set to work cutting hexies in my next fabric for stage two.

Kittens haven’t been helping . . . I was being very organised when cutting my paper hexies . . . snipping over a cardboard box . . . turned my back for 5 minutes and came back to this

kitten help

I have learned my lesson Rire  Never leave a cardboard box with paper cuttings unattended!

16 thoughts on ““Let it Bee” hexies update

  1. You’re wise to do it in stages. Cut a bunch of fabric, take it through to the finished flower and then go back to the fabric again. It saves getting RSI from any particular activity, and I speak from bitter experience! They’re looking very sweet, and you’ll have a stack of flowers in no time. The box was inspired!

  2. Looking goid. I love hexies as a hand project. I was thinking with your shoulder. Quilting is hard on shoulders, do you wear gloves with rubber tips to help hold fabric, i do and it takes a lot of strain off.

  3. Naughty kitties! Ah, but you can never be angry with them for too long for in the next minute they will do something to make you smile. 😉
    Claire, I love your hexies! I haven’t tried them yet, but have plans to begin something small and to get get started on it soon.

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