SAL “dolphins ABC” # 4

Goodness me! Time really got away with me in May!  Have to say, we enjoyed a visit from daughter & husband earlier in the month (aka Lindashee & Mr Lindashee, or Megan for this SAL).  Their visit meant trying to catch up on housework (dust & cobwebs) beforehand.  I failed sadly. Lindashee ended up spotting more and going round with a duster on a long stick the night they arrived lol.  Also meant lots of socialising with other family members during their stay. So not much time for crafting.

Anyway, 3 weeks ago, this was the photo I shared.

And for this time.

More greys but I haven’t stitched the white on his belly yet.  I hope other ladies in the SAL were more productive!

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie



18 thoughts on “SAL “dolphins ABC” # 4

  1. I used to love a good chat with my mum in the evening while she stitched. Either way it’s looking good and this cross stitch looks familiar, where did it come from, if you don’t mind me asking?

    • lol yes Megan is our daughter, I usually refer to as Mrs Lindashee. She lives in England (not far from our second son (aka Mr Viking) and usually tries to visit once a year to catch up with us and our eldest son (aka Mr Tattoo). As for you being a tag-a-long . . . far from it! You’re part of the group! None of the rest of us have ever met in person, we all just came together through our blogs, and virtual friendships blossomed ^^

  2. Family visits are more important than a self-imposed deadline for a project. Your daughter sounds like mine!

    • lol. I grew up with a mother who was very house-proud, and kept things spotless. And think that’s why my attitude is “there’s more to life than housework”. Daughter seems to have have inherited the “dusting/cobweb gene”.

  3. Megan is needed in my house too!!! And I am in England! All progress is good progress, no matter how small – and I can really see the difference in the little fellow.

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